Ssc kiran mathematics chapter wise pdf free download
Ssc kiran mathematics chapter wise pdf free download


While answering class 10 maths questions one must understand the process of answering the questions and how to write.For example if you are answering to question of one marks you must be precise and write the answer in one or two line try to calculate accurately don’t do the calculation mistake while solving any questions of class 10 maths.When you are answering to long questions specifically if it geometry questions always draw the geometry diagram with the use of pencil don’t use pen in such questions.Make proper diagram write all information’s required in the diagram. Try to make two notes one for the detail theory part and second is for important formula of class 10 maths.Refer the maths formula section of entrancei to get all important formula in one page.Notes and formula help you to complete revision of the class 10 maths.After that follow the application of concept and formulas in numericals before writing the maths solutions of Important questions for class 10 maths. Start with revision of NCERT text book of your class 10.

ssc kiran mathematics chapter wise pdf free download

One must cover all the above points before moving ahead to Important questions for class 10 maths. Numerical practice from entrancei MCQ section and online quiz will be highly helpful.NCERT text book theory and questions given in exercise is must.

ssc kiran mathematics chapter wise pdf free download

  • Application of concept in numerical can be learned through solved examples.
  • Must remember the formula use in question.Note down all importnat formulas of chapter.
  • Concept clarity in the chapter.Read theory given in NCERT text book and Entrancei class 10 maths section.Solve as many as Maths Questions as you can.
  • Scoring good marks in class 10 maths required extensive practice.The fundamental and key points which is required to score good marks in class 10 maths are.Do solve NCERT text book with the help of NCERT Solutions for class 10 Maths.

    ssc kiran mathematics chapter wise pdf free download

    How can Important questions for class 10 maths can help you

    Ssc kiran mathematics chapter wise pdf free download