Yet, he gets a call cautioning him around a massive number of gatecrashers entering from the rear of Onigashima’s palace. Sovereign helps them to remember around 30000 troopers and that they can do anything since they are dwarfed. Large Mom believes that the Straw Hats and the Samurai are risking a lot on the highest level. Kaido snickers at them, and his monster powers stream around his body. Kinemon pledges that Kaido will not survive the ordeal. On the other floor, Kinemon and the remainder of Akazay Nine have encircled Kaido. The Samurai are prepared to bring down Kaido’s men. Yamato is eager to battle close by Ace’s sibling, and Boss Hyogoro is happy that the 2o years holding up has at long last shown up. The scene title: “The Battle Under the Moon! The Berserker, Sulong the Moon Lion.” Luffy reports that it is a complex and fast conflict. On Kinemon’s side, he gave an incredible discourse applauding Luffy and that Luffy will remain at the zenith of the ocean regardless of whether they kick the bucket Luffy will stay alive. From the most recent scene of One Piece, Luffy confronted Big Mom and told her that he would beat her with Kaido and Orochi. One Piece has, as of late, started with this conflict that the Akazaya Nine have been hanging tight for since they need to retaliate for Oden and open the Land of Wano. Kinemon shields Luffy and uncovers that Luffy won’t ever do that. He accepts that the Straw Hats resemble any privateers they can leave the Akazaya Nine suddenly. Kaido is furious that the Straw Hats was behind all that has occurred up to this point.

Luffy’s test to Big Mom, Orochi, and Kaido starts with One Piece Episode 998, with Kaido in a good place again in the wake of experiencing a lethal blow.